1, 2, 3 and Get Rid of Those Nasty Bugs!

Date Posted: 28/07/2017

Fleas are nasty and hard to get rid of! Most of the pet owners are facing invasion of fleas in their house and were unable to get rid of them succesfully. This is because most of the owner did not tackle the overall problem. For a total annihilation of fleas (it is cruel, but it is the best for your pet and also, yea, us), you not only need to treat your pets, but also your house.

Why? Spraying insecticide on our running around and naughty pet is tiring enough! And still want to clean the whole house?? Are you kidding me??

Ok!ok!...Calm down.. Please continue to read on to have a bigger picture of how to completely wipe off those fleas from your house!

First, let us understand one thing. There are only about 5% of fleas are actually living on your pets. The other 95% of fleas are living around your house or yard. That's why killing off fleas on your pets and house at the same time are important. Be aware that this is not the perfect guide to eliminate fleas from your pet but just a guidance. If infestation of fleas is too serious, please do not hesitate to call professional for assistance.

Lets move on to our main topic today. It is a 3+1 controlling method. This gonna be long, so, bear with me!

The first step is vacuum. Vacuum is you best way here. Vacuum can effetively removes fleas eggs, larvae and pupae. Vacuum the entire house especially corners, dark crevices, under furniture, under beds, pet beds, rugs and everywhere sunlight cannot reach. This is because the larvae is afraid of sunlight and they tend to move away from it. Besides, the vibration and heat from vacuum also stimulates the fleas to emerge from their cocoons and they will be vulnerable to insecticide. After finish vacumming, dispose all the contents of your vacuum cleaner completely to avoid any leftover. You don't want your hard work wasted just like that, right?

After vacuuming, it's time to apply insecticide to kill off any adult fleas. When choosing for insecticide, look for the IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) because it is the MOST IMPORTANT part in controlling the flea population. Spray the whole housing area. This included carpets, rugs, floors, pet beds, under the bed and any places that sunlight cannot reach. And yeah, don't forget about the yard. Some fleas do live in the yard. If you are looking for a more natural and environmental friendly spray, you can try the Biospotix indoor spray. It is harmless, natural and very effective in eliminating all life stages of fleas.

Be alert that vacuum before spraying insecticide but not after spraying insecticide. DO NOT VACUUM for at least two weeks after application of insecticide. this is because IGR component will have a residual effect.

After vacuuming and spraying insecticide, it is the time to treat your pets. Biogance has provided a few types of medication in countering fleas.

Biospotix Spray - An immediate action that will protect your pet from infestation and reinfestation of fleas for 48 hours. It is easy to use, just spray on the body of your pet before going for a walk and you are off to go.

Biospotix Collar - A natural and effective dog collar to repel and eliminate fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, lice and other ectoparasites or external parasites. The effect is immediate and can last for around four months. Available for both cats and dogs.

Biospotix Spot On - A 100% natural and effective solution that protect your pet from infestation of any ectoparasites. Just apply directly on the skin form the neck to the tail and the effect can last for 30 days start form the day you apply. Be sure that your pet's age is over three months for the most significant effect. Available for both cats and dogs.

Reinfestation of fleas would occur after a few weeks. This is because, during the first treatment, some leftover fleas are still in their pupae stage and they are immuned to insecticides. What you have to do is repeat the three steps again until the fleas are gone forever! Also, after treatment, try not to let your pet contact with other animals that are infested. Watch out your pets for any suspicious movement such as scratching, if you do, reapply those medication immediately.

DO NOT WAIT, this is because, fleas multiply very quickly.

Do you have any better idea? Share with us!